Send us your chaos!

We've made the process of reaching out to us as easy as pie. Simply fill out the form on this page or shoot us an email with some basic information about you and how we can help you get organized. Our team will be thrilled to assist you every step of the way.

Once you've made contact, we'll schedule a personal consultation to get a firsthand understanding of your needs. We will ask you questions, listen to your aspirations, and develop a customized plan to tackle your unique clutter challenges.

After our initial consultation, we will dive into action! Our team will work our magic using our tried-and-true methods, helping you sort, purge, and arrange your belongings in a way that maximizes space and minimizes stress. We'll unlock the true potential of your home, allowing you to fully enjoy your surroundings without the shackles of clutter holding you back.

Contact Lighten Up Organization today and let us brighten up your life!